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Hosted Payment Page (HPP)

Customizable and configurable per merchant

The PhoeniXGate Hosted Payment Page exists as a low or no-code alternative or complimentary solution to QuickPayments. The Hosted Payment Page exposes a cardholder-facing processing form which can be displayed in a popup or iframe, or act as part of a redirect and return processing flow.


The Hosted Payment Page will minimally display the required fields for processing a transaction using the available payment methods for a merchant account. Required fields such as the total amount may be populated automatically via parameters sent to the page, or the cardholder may be allowed to enter them manually. Optional fields can be used the same way, and merchant-defined custom fields are supported through the Hosted Payment Page just as they are in the virtual terminal and api requests. Merchants may also define a list of available values for certain fields, which is particularly useful for setting up fundraising or donation pages where a set of fixed amounts is provided from which the cardholder may select.


The Hosted Payment Page configuration is organized to allow the merchant to enable the page and start processing easily, but there are also extensive customization options available ranging from look and feel configuration (logo, layout, color scheme and custom text values may all be set via the configuration UI, so no html or css changes are necessary) to visibility of optional fields to changing the processing mode of the page (switching between merchant-provided values, cardholder-entered values and a list of available options from which the cardholder may select).


Questions or a demonstration of our Hosted Payment Pages? Contact us here!

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