Fraud Control
Detection and Prevention to reduce chargebacks
PhoeniXGate provides a set of fraud filters which may be configured by a merchant or on a merchant’s behalf to aid in the prompt identification and remediation of suspicious or potentially fraudulent transactions. The Fraud Controls tool works in tandem with the AVS/CVV response handling configuration, so transactions which violate the defined rules may be locally declined and voided/reversed automatically as appropriate.
Filters may be configured across several categories to operate individually or with multiple filters operating together:
Hourly: Set a maximum number of transactions which may be run each hour
Transaction IP: Sets a maximum number of transactions which may be run from a given source IP address per hour
Daily: Sets a maximum number of transactions which may be run in a day
Blacklist: Prevents transactions submitted from specific source IP addresses
Country: Limits transactions to those submitted from a source IP address included in a customizable list of countries
Lower limit: Specifies a minimum amount per transaction
Upper limit: Specifies a maximum amount per transaction
Actions can be set individually per fraud filtering rule, and available options include:
Audit: No action is taken on a transaction which violates the enabled rule, but an entry is recorded to the fraud filter log indicating that a rule was violated and why. This option is the default and is useful in evaluating the potential impact to normal processing before fully enabling a rule.
Auth and Hold: A transaction violating the enabled rule is still allowed to process normally, but a fraud filter log entry will be recorded and it will be held back from settling until it is reviewed. During the review process a transaction may either be allowed and therefore placed into the open batch and allowed to be settled with the rest of the merchant’s open batch or declined which prevents the authorization from being captured.
Decline: A transaction which violates the enabled rule is declined at the time of authorization and the transaction response includes a response code which is unique to a fraud filter decline, and a message indicating which rule declined the transaction and why. A fraud filter log entry is created for this action as well, though no review process is necessary (the decline is automatic at the time of authorization).
In addition to having a set action, each fraud filter rule also has an available notification option which may be enabled or disabled on a per-rule basis. A list of recipients may be specified to receive a notification when a rule is triggered, and the recipient list may be unique per rule.
Questions about PhoeniXGate Fraud management? Contact us here!